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Southeast U.S. Region
District of Columbia
District Of Columbia
State Facts: District of Columbia State Web Site
Census Bureau Report
Time Zone: Eastern
Capital: Nation's Capital
Statehood Date: 9/15/1787
Statehood Order: 51
Flower: American Beauty Rose
Bird: Wood Thrush
Land: 61 Sq. Miles
Water: 7 Sq. Miles
Rank In Area Size: 51
Although New York City and Philadelphia each served briefly as the capital of the United States, in 1790, Congress chose the District of Columbia as the permanent seat of government. Situated on the Potomac River, Washington, D.C., was originally carved out of land transferred from Maryland and Virginia (Virginia's portion south of the river was returned to that state in 1846). The name District of Columbia honors Christopher Columbus, and the city's better-known name of Washington, honors the first president. Congress first met in Washington in 1800, although construction of the first phase of the Capitol was not completed until 1826.
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